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NEA Press Release


Parents and voters prioritize helping students and strengthening public schools; continue to reject right-wing culture wars
Published: August 22, 2023
This article originally appeared on

在2024年共和党总统初选辩论之前, 美国国家教育协会今天公布的最新民调显示,共和党候选人在教育优先事项上与家长和选民脱节. 

“明天晚上,2024年共和党候选人将首次展开辩论, 菠菜导航网希望他们在以禁书为中心的极端议程上加倍努力, censoring history, 通过代金券将公立学校的资源转移到不负责任和歧视的私立学校, and taking away learning opportunities for students. 为了让像贝琪·德沃斯这样的亿万富翁捐助者高兴, 这些共和党候选人继续忽视家长和选民在教育问题上最关心的问题. That is why so many of the right-wing, 所谓的“文化战争”候选人在投票中不断失败,全国教育协会主席贝基·普林格尔说. “Across America, 菠菜导航网大多数人都想要同样的东西——强大的公立学校,让所有的学生, no matter their race, ZIP code, or background, 是否有足够的资源和机会让自己发挥出最大的潜能. In every community across the nation – rural, urban, 和郊区一样,家长和教育工作者正在合作帮助学生茁壮成长."

Key findings from the poll, which was conducted GBAO Strategies, include: 

  • 缺乏资金、教师工资和校园枪击案是选民对教育最关心的问题.
  • When given a list, voters rank pandemic learning recovery, lack of school funding, lack of technical training, insufficient mental health support, 以及教育工作者短缺是K-12公立教育面临的最严重问题.
  • 特别是在历史和课程问题上,选民们关心的是禁令和限制像教师“培养”学生或推动LGBTQ+议程这样的文化战争问题落在了列表的末尾... 保守的共和党人优先考虑这些问题, 而温和派共和党人则关注更广泛的话题.  
  • 独立人士最关心的是大流行带来的学习损失, the lack of funding for basic needs, insufficient mental health support, and the lack of instruction on practical/technical skills. 
  • Among parents, 最令人担忧的问题包括心理健康支持不足, inadequate instruction on practical/technical skills, the lack of funding for the basics, and pandemic learning loss. 
  • 不分党派的选民都对公立学校和教师持积极态度.超过70%的选民(包括父母和非父母)对公立学校的老师有好感, 自去年以来,选民对公立学校和教师的看法有所改善. 不分党派,公立学校的教师都得到了积极的评价, with Independents 70 percent favorable and 13 percent unfavorable; and Republicans 60 percent favorable and 16 percent unfavorable.

这些结果突出表明,在最近的大选中, 家长和选民明确拒绝了与2024年共和党总统候选人相同议程的极端主义政客.  

In the 2022 midterm elections, 支持公共教育的候选人几乎在每一次竞争激烈的州长竞选中获胜, 71% of the school board races, and many other key offices up and down the ballot. So far in 2023, 在最近的学校董事会选举中,文化战争的候选人继续辜负选民的期望, as pro-public education candidates continue winning. Some examples from 2023 school board elections include:

  • In Montana, 81% of pro-public education candidates won.
  • In Illinois, 90% of pro-public education candidates won. 
  • In Missouri, 80% of pro-public education candidates won. 
  • In New York, 85% of pro-public education candidates won.
  • 在威斯康辛州,支持公共教育的候选人同样赢得了绝大多数选举,包括 这场竞选是由威斯康星州共和党主席召集的"the most important school board race."
  • In Oregon, The Oregonian 报道称“俄勒冈州学校董事会的‘文化战争’候选人大多失败了”
  • In Lincoln, Neb.在美国,三名支持公共教育的候选人都赢得了选举. 

“Elections matter. And in election after election, 选民们继续拒绝按照几乎所有2024年共和党候选人在竞选活动中都以同样议程为核心的候选人. So, tomorrow night on the debate stage, 人们不得不问:候选人是否会在他们极端和脱离实际的议程上加倍下注? 或者他们最终会开始倾听家长和选民的意见吗?” Pringle added.


 美国国家教育协会是美国最大的专业雇员组织, 代表300多万中小学教师, higher education faculty, education support professionals, school administrators, retired educators, students preparing to become teachers, healthcare workers, and public employees. Learn more at 


Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education

俄勒冈教育协会(OEA)是一个致力于为每个学生提供良好公共教育的基本权利的工会. OEA represents about 41,从幼儿园到12年级的公立学校和社区大学,共有1000名教育工作者. OEA的会员包括有执照的教师和专家, classified/education support professionals (ESPs), community college faculty, retired educators, and student members. OEA members also belong to the 3.全国教育协会(NEA)会员200万.