菠菜导航网使用cookie为您提供更好的浏览体验, 提供的广告, 分析站点流量, 个性化内容. 如果您继续使用本网站,即表示您同意菠菜导航网使用cookie.



I. 介绍 

的 俄勒冈教育协会 ("OEA") values the trust and privacy of its members and other supporters. This 隐私政策 sets forth OEA's practices regarding: (1) what personal information we collect about you — both online via the OEA website and OEA Intranet and offline via traditional, hard copy forms; (2) how we 使用 that information; (3) under what circumstances we disclose it; (4) what choices are available to you regarding such information collection; and, (5)菠菜导航网使用何种安全措施来保护这些信息. This 隐私政策 also provides some additional information for 使用rs of the OEA website and OEA Intranet. 

II. 定义 



  1. 的 term "you" means a current or former OEA member or other person who has provided personal information to us in connection with obtaining an OEA product or service (e.g. a person who has purchased a book from the OEA Professional Library or a person who subscribes to an OEA-produced electronic newsletter). 
  1. 的 term "personal information" means any piece of information that on its own can specifically identify a current or former OEA member or other person who has provided personal information to us in connection with obtaining an OEA product or service. 这包括, 但不限于, 全名, 邮寄地址, 电子邮件地址, 社会保险号, 或者财务信息. 
  1. 术语“OEA网站”系指OEA位于俄勒冈州的外部网站.org,公共团体,私人团体,OEA博客,以及菠菜导航网将来可能开发的任何网站. 
  1. 术语“OEA内部网”是指OEA的内部, 私人, 并为当地领导和员工提供网站保障. 
  1. 术语“OEA相关组织”指OEA, 菠菜导航网的子公司, NEA及其附属公司, 以及OEA创建的任何其他实体. 
  1. 术语“第三方”是指独立于OEA的法律实体, 它的国家和地方分支机构, 或任何oea相关组织. 
  1. “cookie”一词是指放置在您的计算机上的一个小文件,允许网站进行存储, 有时跟踪, 菠菜导航网您如何使用该网站的信息. 
  1. 的 term "discussion forum" means an asynchronous website component that enables 使用rs to exchange ideas by posting questions and answers on relevant subjects. 讨论论坛通常也被称为“讨论组”,讨论区,留言板,“公告栏”,和“在线论坛”." 

3. 收集的个人信息 


  1. Personal Information that you voluntarily provide to us on your membership application and other OEA forms — whether online via the OEA website or OEA Intranet or offline via traditional, 硬拷贝表格(比如你的名字), 邮寄地址, 电话号码, 电子邮件地址, 社会保险号, 等.). 
  1. Other Personal Information that you voluntarily provide to us via the OEA website or OEA Intranet (such as an 电子邮件地址 if you subscribe to an OEA-produced electronic newsletter or other personal information contained in an e-mail that you send to us via the feedback feature of the OEA website). 
  1. Personal Information that we receive from our national and local affiliates or other OEA-related organizations (such as your name, 邮寄地址, 电话号码, 电子邮件地址, 社会保险号, 等.). 
  1. Personal Information that we receive from third parties (such as insurance claim information in connection with the OEA Educators Employment Liability Program and publicly available voter registration information). 

IV. 菠菜导航网如何使用这些信息 

的 personal information that OEA collects about you helps us and our national and local affiliates and OEA-related organizations to efficiently and effectively represent you and provide you with valuable member benefits. 

V. 信息共享 

以便为您提供高效有效的代理和会员权益, 菠菜导航网通常会分享菠菜导航网收集的菠菜导航网您的所有个人信息, 如上文第三节所述, 与菠菜导航网的国家和地方分支机构以及oea相关组织合作, 以及代表菠菜导航网执行服务的第三方. 

另外, 菠菜导航网可能会分享菠菜导航网收集的有关您的任何个人信息, 如上文第三节所述, 与分享菠菜导航网利益的特定第三方或法律允许的其他第三方. 

上述所有类别都不包括短信发起者选择加入的数据和同意, 哪些信息不会与任何第三方共享, 但前述规定不适用于与供应商共享(1), consultants and other service providers who need access to such information to carry out work on our behalf (and who will not 使用 such information for their own purposes); (2) if we believe disclosure is required by any applicable law, 规则, or regulation or to comply with law enforcement or legal process; and (3) if the 使用r consents to our sharing of such information. 

VI. 可用选项 

您提供给菠菜导航网的任何个人信息都是自愿的. OEA会员可随时更新个人信息. 有关如何菠菜导航网的信息,请访问OEA网站:99diy.net/contact-us.

如果您订阅任何oea制作的电子通讯, you may cancel your subscription at any time by following the instructions at the bottom of all such newsletters. 如果您在取消此类订阅方面有任何问题,请与菠菜导航网联系 (电子邮件保护)

7. 信息安全 

菠菜导航网维持行政管理, 技术, and physical safeguards designed to: (1) insure the security and confidentiality of your personal information; (2) protect against any anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of such information; and (3) protect against unauthorized access to or 使用 of such information. 有关菠菜导航网信息安全的更多信息,请联系OEA help@myOEA.org 索取OEA信息安全计划的副本. 

IX. OEA网站或OEA内联网用户的附加信息 

  1. 收集和使用非个人信息 
  2. 如果您使用OEA网站或OEA内网, you provide us with certain non-personal information in addition to any personal information that you may voluntarily provide. 例如, 如果您浏览OEA网站或OEA内部网或下载信息, 菠菜导航网的操作系统会自动记录以下非个人信息: 
    1. 您的互联网服务的互联网域名(如“xcompany”).Com”或“xcompany”.如果你使用的是私人上网账户,则使用“yourcollege . net”.Edu(如果你从学院或大学域名连接); 
    2. 的 type of browser that you 使用 (such as "America Online version 7" or "Microsoft Internet Explorer 5"); 
    3. 您使用的操作系统类型(如Windows或Macintosh); 
    4. 您访问OEA网站或OEA内部网的日期和时间以及您查看的网页; 
    5. 的 address of the previous website that you visited if you linked to us from another website; and 
    6. 的 address of the next website that you visit if you link to it from the OEA website or OEA Intranet. 

We 使用 the above non-personal information to diagnose 技术 problems and track 使用r interests so that we can provide content that interests you. 

We gather this non-personal information in the aggregate and we share it in the same manner that we share personal information, 如上文第五节所述. 

  1. 饼干 
    当您访问OEA网站和OEA内部网时,菠菜导航网使用cookie来跟踪您正在查看的内容, 增强你的用户体验. 以便为您提供定制的内容和增强的用户体验, OEA使用的某些cookie将您识别为个人. 如果您担心OEA使用cookie,请检查您的Internet浏览器. 大多数都有一个允许您拒绝cookie的设置. 但是,如果您的cookie被禁用,某些OEA功能和服务可能无法正常运行. 

另外, OEA allows third parties who advertise or provide content on the OEA website or OEA Intranet to 使用 cookies. 第三方对cookies的使用受制于他们自己的隐私政策, 且不受本隐私政策约束. 

  1. 论坛 
    如果您参加OEA网站或OEA内部网的讨论论坛, 你的评论, 以及你自愿披露的任何个人信息, 可以收集, 使用, 任何能进入论坛的人都可以分享. 对于您选择在论坛中提交的个人信息,菠菜导航网概不负责. 
  1. 孩子们 
    OEA网站和OEA Intranet是通用网站, 菠菜导航网不会故意收集13岁以下儿童的任何个人信息. 
  1. 外部链接 
    本隐私政策仅适用于OEA网站和OEA Intranet. It does not cover any websites that are linked to or from the OEA website or OEA Intranet for which we are not responsible ("linked-sites"). 这些链接网站将有其自己的政策和做法,可能与菠菜导航网的不同. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the policies and practices of the linked-sites especially if you provide personal information to them.

8. 本隐私政策的生效日期、修订及同意 

本隐私政策于2007年4月3日生效. 菠菜导航网保留随时因任何原因修改或以其他方式更新本隐私政策的权利. 通过加入OEA或使用OEA网站或OEA内部网, 你同意收集, 使用, 以及菠菜导航网在此描述的个人信息共享. 如果菠菜导航网修改或更新菠菜导航网的隐私政策, we will post the changes online at the OEA website and OEA Intranet so that you are always aware of OEA's current practices. You may also contact us at any time to request an up-to-date hard copy version of the 隐私政策. 

X. 菠菜导航网 

如果您对本隐私政策有任何疑问,您可以通过以下方式与OEA联系 (电子邮件保护).



的 俄勒冈教育协会 (OEA) is a union committed to the ca使用 of providing the basic right of great public education to every student. OEA代表大约41个,从幼儿园到12年级的公立学校和社区大学,共有1000名教育工作者. OEA的会员包括有执照的教师和专家, 分类/教育支援专业人员, 社区学院教师, 退休教师, 学生成员. OEA成员也属于这三个国家.全国教育协会(NEA)会员200万.