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许可 & 评价

Maintaining your education license and receiving meaningful evaluations shouldn't be a barrier to entering or remaining in the profession. OEA is committed to supporting our members though these processes.


OEA is committed to supporting our members in maintaining their education licenses. Navigating the licensure system can be difficult sometimes, though. How many continuing education credits do I need each year? How do I add an endorsement? What are the different license types? OEA is here to help. Knowledgeable OEA staff members offer regular Oregon licensure workshops covering hot topics, 最近的更新, and a general licensure overview, and regular 15-minute one-on-one consultations via Zoom to answer questions about your unique circumstance.

OEA 许可 Toolkit

许可 Consultations

Need help navigating a licensure question or concern? Rather than an email or phone call, would you prefer to walk through your question or concern in a 1-1 consultation ZOOM meeting with OEA’s Staff Liaison to TSPC, 利亚Starkovich? If so, find and register for a consultation. 的re are available slots most Wednesdays throughout the year.

After signing up for your 1-1 consultation, you will be sent a ZOOM calendar invite for your meeting. Make sure to RSVP to the invite right away. If you need to cancel your consult, please do so at least 24 hours before your scheduled meeting time. 

If you need more immediate licensure advice and cannot wait to schedule a 1-1 consultation, 请随意 电子邮件的利亚 the details of your question or concern or leave a message with a cell phone call back # at 503-495-2109.

Sign up for a 1-1 许可 Consultation


OEA believes a robust and meaningful evaluation system, co-created by teachers and administrators, will benefit everyone and students most of all. Students enrolled in our public schools deserve competent, caring, and effective teachers. 每一天, dedicated education professionals enter classrooms across Oregon intent on doing their best to make sure students succeed. 的 central principle of any educator evaluation system must be to improve knowledge, 技能, and classroom practice of professional educators with the ultimate goal of enhancing student learning.

In 2013, OEA played an integral part in redesigning Oregon’s evaluation system and continues to engage in revisions to the statewide framework, supporting local associations redesigning district level systems, and providing support to members with questions about evaluation.

To learn more, visit the Oregon Department of Education’s evaluation 网站 或菠菜导航网.

Contact: Center for Great Public Schools


Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education

的 Oregon Education Association (OEA) is a union committed to the cause of providing the basic right of great public education to every student. OEA represents about 41,000 educators working in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 public schools and community colleges. OEA’s membership includes licensed teachers and specialists, classified/education support professionals (ESPs), community college faculty, retired educators, and student members. OEA members also belong to the 3.2 million members of the National Education Association (NEA).